Monday, April 12, 2010

Ways to Master Your Memory

This assignment is to pick five of the 20 ways to master your memory and describe the process in your own words.

1. Rehearse- If I were to become a teacher this would be a great way to memorize lectures and class projects before I get to the class I intend to teach. Practicing the lecture in front of a mirror is probably what I would do to prepare for my class.

2. Overlearn- I have used this form of memorization to have intelligent discussions with my family. If I learn a piece of information I try to know as much as possible about the subject so I can debate and discuss my standing on the issue. Although, when I get into discussions with my father about something I thought I knew everything about he usually teaches me something new.

3. Feel- This goes back to discussions that I have with my family and friends on political issues and just about anything that I can form an opinion on. I find it a lot easier to remember information that I am interested in, so I try to keep an open mind and form an opinion about the topic of discussion.

4. Personalize- I am personalizing the information that I am typing about right now
by relating these techniques to the way I use them in my life. This will help me remember a few ways by attaching them to a specific situation.

5. Acronyms- Acronyms are a blessing for me. It helps me remember any short fact or process that I may need to remember and utilize later. There are plenty for math but students can use acronyms for just about any type of research. I used a few acronyms in High school to memorize all of the US presidents.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How I Will Become a Successful College Student

1. I will be in class on time. My Dad always told me, "If your on time your late... if you are 15 minutes early you are right on time."
2. I will bring my materials to class.
3. I will be engaged in class. I will try not to be too timid to ask questions.
4. I will spend more time on my work at home. I will put in my best effort in whatever I do.
5. I will not procrastinate. THIS will be my biggest challenge.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Olympic Swimming

My GE 101 teacher has given us an assignment in class to create a post about any subject. I have chosen swimming. I used to be a swimmer in Highschool and before I dropped out of my private college I had a swimming scholarship. BUMMER. Anyway, here are 5 links that pop up when I type in swim on Google.

Swimming News Website

One thing you may notice about this link is that it has in it. Registrations in the org are processed via accredited registrars worldwide. This means it is a reliable website. It talks about swimming news and it is directed towards the more experienced swimmer.

Kids Swimming

This is another org website. It seems to be a credible website but it is not directed for what I was looking for. It explains the basics and includes precautionary advice for swimming.

Designer Swimwear

This is definitly not directed at the experienced swimmer. This is an advertisement website and will not suffice for an accurate resource.

Mr. Bean swims

Everybody loves Mr. Bean, but unfortunately he will not help me write a paper aimed toward the experienced swimmer.

Adult Swim

Another Advertisement website. Although this website has nothing to do with swimming it does contain the word swim so it was the third website that popped up when I typed in the word swim. I would not be able to use any information in this website.

Obviously, these five websites are completely different from one another but they all have to do with the word SWIM. Be careful which sites you use to research your subject!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just figuring this Blog-thang out

Anyone who reads this blog should read my brother's blog Unreined. This is a political opinion web site. My brother is one of the smartest men I have ever known. I value his opinions greatly.

For everyone who is in my GE 101 class and may read this one day this is a good idea to apply to your college success mentality. For those of you who aren't in my class... if any... it is a good idea for anyone to apply to certain aspect of your life. Here is the link.

Maybe an elephant tattoo? It is one of my favorite animals. I love this picture of the baby Asian elephant.
Baby elephants are born big, standing approximately three feet tall and weighing 200 pounds at birth. They nurse for two to three years, and are fully mature at 9 (females) to 15 (males) years of age.

I wonder if this blog has to be relevant to our class. If so, I am totally off-track.

Maybe I should type a little on this blog to prove that I know how to do this. Last time that I was signed into blogger I couldn't post pictures so I will try to do this right now. I think body art is beautiful. One day I will learn how to do this. I love tattoos as well.. I only have one but I am getting another soon. We'll see how it goes..
Now that I have downloaded a picture on here I am going to keep playing around with blogger! See what I come up with.

Here is another link... Professor Gilbertson will probably not like this one... but who's blog is it?

South African rap... pretty catchy..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

BCTC GE 101 Danville

My first post.

Some of my favorite videos:

I will see this movie when this is released.

Funny spoof of The Shining.

School answering machine message... halarious.

Like Star Wars? Not more than this kid.

Oh, pigs.